
Why make a Google+ Page and a shortened URL pointing to it?

Besides putting a +1 Button on your site, setting up a Google+ Page for both yourself and your business is also a REALLY, REALLY GOOD IDEA.
spiders are cool

Live Alongside Spiders because Spiders Are Cool

Spiders get the bugs that bite us but that we can't see. Spiders are cool. Spiders are just another part of the bigger network of life that emerges, that...
30 Days in Facebook Jail

30 Days in Facebook Jail Because Their Robot Thinks I Hate Men

A man hater. That's what Facebook must think I am. My "pussyhatted feminism" crossed the line, according to someone or something there at Facebook. This time a robot, AI,...

Panhandler Whispers My Click

 Upon exiting the highway, a local panhandler had effectively drawn my attention. It ended up with me shelling out what small change I had within arm's reach in the...

How many Facebook Profiles are really fake?

Here's an interesting article that appeared on about fake Facebook Profiles:'s not much more about it on Mashable, but it's interesting to hear what the Mashable audience says.

Sad QR Code Failures & Tactics that DO Work

  Is there a wrong way to use QR codes? You bet. The majority of QR codes I've seen printed on products and in magazines aren't going to work for a...

Everybody’s got a marketing opinion. Here’s my marketing opinion.

Many marketing pros like to share their marketing opinion. Here you'll hear mine. There's lots of advice floating around on the web about how to increase the impact of...

Just Do It and the Marketing Ideas Will Bloom

Here's what you need to do if you feel stuck, like you're out of marketing ideas:Don't just sit there and think about it - start trying it, just write...

This is what happens when a website gets hacked.

This is what happens when a website gets hacked. It's not the end of the world, but there's work to be done. I got hacked. I'm not going to hide...
marketing dowsing

Dowsing and Marketing Sincerity

Let's talk about something weird, dowsing, and how it illustrates the power of marketing sincerity. My father was telling me a story about dowser. A property owner hired a...