Free Marketing Advice
Free marketing advice will end up costing you in the long run. Be careful of trying to get something for nothing, especially from a marketer. I have people ask...
Science and Art are Opposites but Equally Essential
Art is the opposite of science. Science is about knowing the actual state of the world, making order out of the phenomenon around us. Art is the opposite. It’s...
RE: Follow Up – The New Rude Tactic of Unsolicited Email
Have you been getting emails from strangers mentioning a "follow up" lately? I have. I get a few each day, people using this kind of subject line in unsolicited...
Stop Them From Stealing Your Secrets: Facebook Apps
You'd think that the nitty gritty details of your facebook life are exposed to your friends and your friends alone. NOT!Facebook Apps have access to your secrets! Do you...
YouTube Education: Online is Subbing for the Classroom
Does Retail Apocalypse Foreshadow A Looming College Armageddon?
Will a "You Tube Education" compete some day with brick and mortar colleges? Will the advantages of online learning, even free online...
Don’t Confuse Tagging with Tracking in “Do Not Track”
A few blog posts ago I wrote about the Do Not Track movement – I haven’t gotten any comments yet on that post outside of RL Twitter some friends...
Online Marketing 101 Required Viewing: “The First Follower”
I love this video. Thanks Derek Sivers.
Five New Facebook Holidays – Featuring Unblocking Day on April 16th
Now that snail mail is nearly dead and greeting cards have been replaced by snarky memes, our Holidays and communication traditions need to evolve. Here are a few ideas...
What is Web 3? There’s one clear, obvious answer.
What is a meaningful definition of Web 3?
Web 3.0 is an emerging stage in web evolution that involves the migration from co-dependency platforms to less limited self-publishing accelerated by...
Be Careful Of The Mobius Mirror: A Turing Test You Shouldn’t Take
The Turing Test is a trial applied to an artificial intelligence where conversation reveals whether the tester is talking to a person or a machine. It's a test of...