
Why make a Google+ Page and a shortened URL pointing to it?

Besides putting a +1 Button on your site, setting up a Google+ Page for both yourself and your business is also a REALLY, REALLY GOOD IDEA.

Your Cellphone Really Doesn’t Have a Name : Another Silly Facebook Hoax

There have been a few fun Facebook hoaxes. One Facebook hoax that was spreading around last night got me, but soon thereafter I figured out what the real deal...

Advertising and Marketing: The Limiting Reagents in the Business Success Reaction

Chemistry's concepts illustrate truths of the business world. One of those concepts, the degree to which a reaction will proceed, is the concept of the Limiting Reagent. The quantity...

Untrusting Your Intuition: Trying Something You’ve Doubted

You've heard the axioms: Don't knock it until you've tried it. and How would you know if you haven't tried it. How do you expect to get results if you're only going to...

Heroku: the Facebook App Developer’s Big Boon

A few months ago, at the ExactTarget Connections Event, in September, I heard that Facebook was going to make building Facebook Applications easier and more accessible to "the average...

WordPress is so easy. That’s why we use it.

  If I had to point to one thing that's the epitome of "Web 2.0" it's WordPress. No other tool makes it as easy for ordinary business people to publish...

George Carlin on Advertising and Marketing: A Classic Routine

A funny standup routine from George Carlin about Advertising and Marketing

Robots, Shills, Payola, Fake Followers and Likes in Social Media’s Wild West

The Broadcaster's Role Changes Long before there was anything called Social Media, media would pour in one direction only - from the broadcaster to the listeners. There were a few...

Bad Ads – Where Images and Copy in Ads Don’t Always Match

    This Facebook ad is almost forgivable. It's image states "LEARN WEB CODE" but then the intro copy asks "Are you a Webmaster?". What kind of webmaster doesn't know "web...

Don’t Confuse Tagging with Tracking in “Do Not Track”

    A few blog posts ago I wrote about the Do Not Track movement – I haven’t gotten any comments yet on that post outside of RL Twitter some friends...