
What the Google Keyword Tool Going Away Means for SEO Pros

I logged into the Google Keyword Tool this morning to get the search volumes for specific keywords I'm evaluating as part of an SEO analysis project. I received a...

Just Do It and the Marketing Ideas Will Bloom

Here's what you need to do if you feel stuck, like you're out of marketing ideas:Don't just sit there and think about it - start trying it, just write...
you tube demonitizer

YouTube Demonetization: What if it never really happened?

What if YouTube Demonetization really didn't happen the way most YouTubers believe it did? What if something else happened, something that YouTubers who were demonetized have pretty much avoided...

Stop Them From Stealing Your Secrets: Facebook Apps

  You'd think that the nitty gritty details of your facebook life are exposed to your friends and your friends alone. NOT!Facebook Apps have access to your secrets!  Do you...
spiders are cool

Live Alongside Spiders because Spiders Are Cool

Spiders get the bugs that bite us but that we can't see. Spiders are cool. Spiders are just another part of the bigger network of life that emerges, that...

What’s new about the Facebook Graph Search?

I'm trying out the new Facebook Graph Search feature today.  It's not too clear what makes it different from the old search feature. Sure, the results appear different, but is...

Do Not Track: Pro-Business or Anti-Business?

  I'm breaking my promise that my next post would be about QR Code tracking and why they're so awesome for marketers, particularly marketers using print. Something appeared today I...
30 Days in Facebook Jail

30 Days in Facebook Jail Because Their Robot Thinks I Hate Men

A man hater. That's what Facebook must think I am. My "pussyhatted feminism" crossed the line, according to someone or something there at Facebook. This time a robot, AI,...

Untrusting Your Intuition: Trying Something You’ve Doubted

You've heard the axioms: Don't knock it until you've tried it. and How would you know if you haven't tried it. How do you expect to get results if you're only going to...
marketing dowsing

Dowsing and Marketing Sincerity

Let's talk about something weird, dowsing, and how it illustrates the power of marketing sincerity. My father was telling me a story about dowser. A property owner hired a...