Can understanding ART give machines a soul?

Can AI Understanding ART Give Machines a Soul?

Will robots make humans obsolete? Or instead, will artificial intelligence somehow gain a fondness for people? Will machines desire our company, our collaboration? Can...
Applying for a position? Here's a critical tip.

Applying for a Position or Reaching Out to be a Vendor?

I've observed something I can't label as anything other than disappointing and genuinely confusing.  I've had many applicants apply for "Social Media Marketer." I've...

Defense Against the Dark Arts in 2020

So now you might think The Click Whisperer has gone off the deep end. It sounds really hokey, doesn't it? Dark Arts? Really? Is...
Science and Art are Opposites

Science and Art are Opposites but Equally Essential

Art is the opposite of science. Science is about knowing the actual state of the world, making order out of the phenomenon around us....

How YouTube Profits from Demonetized Videos Without Compensating Creators

YouTube is still profiting from videos that aren't showing ads, videos that have been demonetized. However, YouTube doesn't reciprocate and compensate creators whose videos...
you tube demonitizer

YouTube Demonetization: What if it never really happened?

What if YouTube Demonetization really didn't happen the way most YouTubers believe it did? What if something else happened, something that YouTubers who were...
Email Signatures

Use an Email Signature in YOUR Emails

Email signatures are really important to include in your emails, yet often the most important people forget to use them. Forgetting to use email...
Goals of the Internet

Reaffirming the Goals of the Internet and the Web

What are we doing here? It wasn't too long ago that one of the people responsible for deciding what kind of computers should be...
YouTube Education

YouTube Education: Online is Subbing for the Classroom

Does Retail Apocalypse Foreshadow A Looming College Armageddon? Will a "You Tube Education" compete some day with brick and mortar colleges? Will the advantages of...
30 Days in Facebook Jail

30 Days in Facebook Jail Because Their Robot Thinks I Hate Men

A man hater. That's what Facebook must think I am. My "pussyhatted feminism" crossed the line, according to someone or something there at Facebook....